Compare Powerpoint Files

Compare Powerpoint Files in Java

Comparing PowerPoint files using the thrid-party tools is clearly not enough. GroupDocs.Comparison (which is a part of Conholdate.Total for Java) gives you many features for comparing a wide range of supported file formats, including PowerPoint Presentation format.

Case study

Let’s consider a use case, you made a presentation at different times, but the elements on the slides are not located as you originally did. To know where the slides differ, you can use GroupDocs.Comparison to compare two files in PPTX format along with a built-in option that helps find changes in styles.


GroupDocs.Comparison provides the ability to compare two files in PPTX format(or any other supported file formats)

The following are the steps to compare two PPTX files.

Code sample

The following code sample demonstrates how to compare two PPTX files.

As a result, we get a PPTX file where the deleted elements are marked in red, the added – in blue, and the modified – in green

Result Slide