Convert Word to Images

Convert Word to Images in Java

When you are trying to show your documents to someone who haven’t Microsoft Word installed on their computers. Then the solution is to convert a document into various image formats e.g. JPG, PNG, TIFF or any other supported image format.

All you need to convert Word document to image is to load source DOC or DOCX file into Converter class and call Convert method. Every page from the source Word document will be saved as a separate image file, so you need to specify naming format for output images

Code example of how to convert DOCX to PNG is given below:

string outputFileNameFormat = "converted-page-%s.png";
SavePageStream getPageStream = page => new FileOutputStream(String.format(outputFileNameFormat, page));

// Load the source DOCX file
Converter converter = new Converter("sample.docx");
// Set the convert options for PNG format
ImageConvertOptions options = new ImageConvertOptions();
// Convert to PNG format
converter.convert(getPageStream, options);