Merge JPG Files

Merge JPG Files in Java

GroupDocs.Merger for Java (which is a part of Conholdate.Total for Java) allows you to combine or merge several JPG documents in the preferred order and save them as a single file. You will not spend your time doing these operations manually on desktop software.

With GroupDocs.Merger for Java it is possible to combine image documents of any JPG, PNG or BMP extensions.

The following example demonstrates how to merge image files with several lines of Java code:

  • Create an instance of Merger class and pass source image file path as a constructor parameter. You may specify absolute or relative file path as per your requirements.
  • Create an instance of ImageJoinOptions class and pass enum value of ImageJoinMode as a constructor parameter.
  • Add another image file to merge with join method and pass instance of ImageJoinOptions class as a method parameter. Repeat this step for other image documents you want to merge.
  • Call Merger class save method and specify the filename for the merged image file as parameter.
// Load the source image file
Merger merger = new Merger("c:\sample1.jpg")

// Define image join options with vertical join mode
ImageJoinOptions joinOptions = new ImageJoinOptions(ImageJoinMode.Vertical);
// Add another image file to merge
merger.join("c:\sample2.jpg", joinOptions);
// Merge image files and save result"c:\merged.jpg");