Merge Powerpoint Presentations

PPTX and PPT extension files are Presentation file formats that store collection of records to accommodate presentation data such as: shapes, slides, animations, text, video, audio and embedded objects.

Merge Powerpoint Presentations in Java

GroupDocs.Merger for Java (which is a part of Conholdate.Total for Java) allows you to merge PowerPoint preasentations by writing just few lines of Java code.

You need to follow the steps below:

  • Create an instance of Merger class and pass source PPSX file path as a constructor parameter. You may specify absolute or relative file path as per your requirements.
  • Add another PPSX file to merge with join method. Repeat this step for other PPSX documents you want to merge.
  • Call Merger class save method and specify the filename for the merged PPSX file as parameter.
// Load the source PPSX file
Merger merger = new Merger("c:\sample1.ppsx")

// Add another PPSX file to merge
// Merge PPSX files and save result"c:\merged.ppsx");